
Team Onboarding (1)

"*" indicates required fields

1. About your business

e.g 50 employees
Do you currently provide any employee engagement or wellbeing activities?:
Please add details here
Do you offer any other employee benefits to employees?
Existing services can be promoted from the Health Hub Teams platform which is a great way to increase uptake of company benefits.
Title and/ or short description of what the service offers
How do employees access these services (website / key contact details)
Are there any restrictions as to who can access these services?
Details of the health cash plan provider or private health insurance company

2. Team Structure

Tell us about the teams and departments in your company and the number of employees in each.*
This information allows us to break your monthly reporting down to see how different teams are impacted by any issues or changes which uniquely affect them.
Department name
Number of employees
Average salaries*
(by team/department if possible)
Average salaries

3. Health Hub Teams Services

Please tell us which Health Hub Teams services you have chosen to provide your employees with:
Nutritional Therapy
The business will pay (up to x number per year)
Nutritional therapy - Employees will pay
Employee will pay

Talk Therapy
The business will pay (upon anonymous request)
Talk therapy - Employees will pay
Employee will pay

Blood Testing
The business will pay for tests
Blood testing (employees will pay)
Employees will pay for tests

Would you like testing to take place on-site or use mobile phlebotomy (home visits)?

4. Planning

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Are you happy with your team accessing the Health Hub Teams dashboard within their working day?
DD slash MM slash YYYY
Please give details of the site address(es) where you would like the testing to take place?
Please note we require a dedicated space for the phlebotomist to set up equipment and carry out the testing.

5. Provision of Services

If you require out of hours service for your team please let us know.
Our nutritional therapists work Monday to Friday between 9am – 5:30pm. Please note there will be a surcharge for providing out of hours service.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.